Saturday, October 18, 2008

How To Get A Job Promotion Anytime!!

Feeling a bit bashful? This is no time for shyness. The performance review is one of the few places where it is acceptable to promote yourself. The salary negotiations meeting can be divided into roughly there phases: preparation, the discussion, and the close.
PREPARE FOR LAUNCH Before you go into the meeting make sure you know the facts and know what you want. If you are asking for a substantial raise, be aware of what your peers in the industry are earning. Take a look at your strong and weak points, and focus on what you contribute to the company. This will form the basis for your argument. After you have done your research be sure to rehearse your argument.
"Before you negotiate, know exactly what you want and be ready to articulate your position; a negotiating meeting is no place to figure out the terms that are acceptable to you", says Eric Adams in The Art of Business: Learn to Love Negotiating.
Next, it is advised that you choose the right person to talk to. Be sure to address someone who possesses decision making power. Choose the right time, especially if you intend to ask for raise outside of a performance review. Every company has its financial ups and downs. Asking for a huge increase when money is tight is not advisable.
Now we get down to the nitty gritty of persuasive skills. When you are negotiating, remember the following: Firstly, assess the person at the other side of the table and adapt your communication style accordingly.
Be sure to communicate steadily, with a calm tone of voice and a relaxed demeanor. Be enthusiastic and use evocative language - studies have shown that people respond positively to enthusiasm. Start the discussion with a positive statement that emphasizes your commitment to the company's goals as well as your excitement about the company's future. This is not the time to be humble. If you don't believe in yourself and in your argument there is no reason for your employer to do so. Practice being assertive: state your accomplishments focus on your successes as an employee.
Be specific, argues Marshall Loeb of Market Watch. "Back up your list with numbers and facts. Before-and-after comparisons are useful - bosses tend to have selective memories." Be to the point. "Be clear and concise about your accomplishments because we're living in a sound-bite society," argues career coach Lori Davila.
Make sure to be very straightforward about what you want. State the salary that you would like to earn and do so without apology. Also be sure to "open high", as Adams puts it. Go into the negotiations with an exact, albeit realistic, idea of the minimum and maximum increase you are looking for but never mention the minimum. Ask for the maximum and then negotiate from there. Be truthful. This is also not the time to embellish. Sooner or later you will be found out.
Salary negotiation should be viewed as a discussion not a contest. Be prepared for resistance to your argument but don't take it as a personal rejection. Always remember that you will be working with this person after the negotiations have finished. Don't become aggressive or defensive, rather try to focus on common ground and understand your superior's position by asking questions. Strive to create a win-win situation.
When it looks like you and your employer have reached an agreement, move in for the close. Be persistent about what you want but also try to be flexible. One of the most important aspects of negotiations is knowing when to walk away. When negotiations come to a close, stop selling immediately.
If you persist in assuring your employer after negotiations have concluded it will make you look unsure of yourself and cause the superior to doubt your competence. Finally, if you have reached an understanding, be sure to commit the verbal agreement to writing to make it official.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking

The methods employed to increase your search enginerankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you haveprobably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tellyou - the time has come to face your website! A high searchengine ranking for your website is so essential that if youhave the slightest desire to actually succeed in yourbusiness, there is no way you can continue to avoid thisissue.
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services onthe Internet find websites through search engines such asGoogle, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pagesfor high search engine rankings is to attract targetedcustomers to your site who will be more than likely to makea purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engineresults, the greater the traffic that is directed to yourwebsite. That's what search engine optimization is about.
You can immerse yourself in all the technical informationavailable online to figure out how to optimize your webpages to achieve higher rankings. Or you can look at a fewsimple items on your pages, make some small adjustments,and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly. Thefirst item you should examine is the title bar on yourhomepage.
The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page.Look at the words that appear there when you access yourhome page. To increase search engine rankings, the words onyour homepage's title bar should include the most importantkeywords or phrases, one of which would include yourcompany name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars onthe pages you access. Each title bar on every single pageof your site should contain the most important keywords andphrases taken from the page itself. However, avoid verylong strings of keywords, keeping them to six words orless. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the titlebars, and make sure that identical words are not next toeach other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your websitecontent. Search engines generally list sites that containquality content rather than scintillating graphics. Thetext on your site must contain the most important keywords- the words that potential customers will be typing intosearch engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this isnot desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a highranking on search engines, this text is essential. However,the search engines must be able to read the text, meaningthat the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take yourcursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are ableto do this, the text is HTML. If the text will nothighlight, it is probably in graphic form. In this case,ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format inorder to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know thissounds like something out of science fiction, but it isreally just simple code. Many people believe that meta tagsare the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality,they only have a limited effect. Still, it's worth addingthem in the event that a search engine will use meta tagsin their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you mustaccess the code. To do this, click the "view" button on thebrowser menu bar, and select "source." This will pull up awindow revealing the underlying code that created the page.If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top ofthe window. For example, a meta tag would read: metaname="keywords" content=. If you do not find code thatreads like this, ask your webmaster to put them in. Thismay not do much for your search engine rankings, but anylittle boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is afactor that is extremely important in terms of searchengine rankings. Almost all search engines use linkpopularity to rank your website. Link popularity is basedon the quality of the sites you have linked to from yourlinks page.
If you type in "free link popularity check" in a popularsearch engine, the search engine will then show you whatsites are linked to your site. In the case that therearen't many sites linked up to yours, or that the sitesthat are linked up have low search engine rankings,consider launching a link popularity campaign. Essentially,this entails contacting quality sites and requesting thatthey exchange links with your site. Of course, thisrequires checking out the rankings of the websites you wantto link up with. Linking to popular, quality sites not onlyboosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs morequality traffic to your website.
Search engine rankings are extremely important for asuccessful Internet marketing campaign. Before you go outand hire a search engine optimization company, try takingsome of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can'tboost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore thisall-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, thehigher your search engine ranking, the more qualitycustomers will be directed your way.
1. If You Want The Inside Story On How To Make Money Blogging And How To Use Blogs To Drive Thousands Of Targeted Visitors To Your Website For FREE Then Read Every Single Word On This Page Now! Learn more by following this link:

2. Also, see "Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days... From Just ONE Clickbank Product!! Follow link below to find out…

3. Learn From 15 Ebay PowerSellers How They Raked In Over $11,726,200 Last Year Alone And How You Can Explode Your Business Following Their Every Move Using Our Step By Step Course . Follow this link to grab your chance..

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5. For those who need to get into shape, There's a Reason That You Have Excess Stomach Fat. Follow this link to find out…

Friday, October 10, 2008

FREE Blogging For Profit.


If you are looking for a way to start making money on the internet, and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started.

Blogging has become very popular lately. For one thing, it’s free. For another, you don’t need to have any technical skills what so ever to get started. If you can read and write, you can blog. So what is a blog? A blog is a simple web page that anyone can set up in minutes. People use them as journals, diaries, and sales pages, like you will learn to do here.

You may be wondering how you can make money with a free blog. The answer is by adding Google Adsense, and promoting affiliate products.

You will not make money overnight with this system, but over 2 to 3 months, you can expect to start making some decent money. Remember, the cost for all this is absolutely nothing (other than the cost of this ebook).

For our purposes, we will be using “Blogger”. Blogger is owned by Google, which is one reason we’re using it. Blogs are crawled by the search engines regularly, so you can get indexed very quickly.

Getting Started

It is always best to try and make money from what you know. It is far easier to write about what you know than to try and make money writing about other things. However, having said that, you can find free content on almost any subject, so you can pick a subject that you think would be profitable, but you don’t really know anything about.

- Adsense Research

We will start by finding out how much the maximum bid is for a keyword. Please note that you will not likely get anything close to this value as this is only showing the highest bid. The visitor may click on lower paying ads. Also, there are two types of PPC advertising. They can advertise on the “Search Network” and/or the “Content Network”. If they don’t advertise in the content network, the ads won’t show on your site. This is the best information we have, so it will give you a general idea of the money available for this keyword.

You can find the tool here:

You now need to find out the competition for this keyword. This is a bit labor intensive. I will show you a way to do it for free here.
Go Here and search for the keyword or key phrase that you are targeting for your niche. For instance, if you are targeting “credit card”, you would key it in below as shown.
Now, Key the keywords into Yahoo search and you will get the following results. Make sure you put the quotes around the key phrase.

On the line that says search results, you will see the following information:
Results 1 - 10 of about 10,400,000 for "card credit" You will now do some division to come up with a ratio. You take the number of searches for that phrase and divide it by the number of websites to get a ratio of searches to websites. In this example, that would be:

1961152 / 10400000 which is .1886

Do the same for all of the results. You will then take the result with the highest ratio and optimize your blog for that content. This will be the keyword which is most likely to get you listed high in the search engines.

Included in the zip file is a spreadsheet that you can plug the results into. The spreadsheet is available in Works, Lotus 1-2-3, and Excel formats.
Below is a screenshot of the included Spreadsheet on the keyword credit card..

You can use this template. Just put your own information in the fields.

Finding Content For Your Blog:

You can find free content for your blogs at article sites. You must follow the rules outlined in the article site. This usually means keeping the author’s contact information and links in place. Below is a list of links to article sites:

Though this will give you a start, it is always better to write your own, or buy some from someone else. I have found a great forum that has great information, as well as a section where fellow members offer great value on many items, such as software, websites, and articles. Sometimes you can pick up many articles for only $5.00

Here is the link to join for free:

Once you have found content you need to modify it to fit your keyword. For instance in the example above if your ideal keyword was “new york car insurance” everywhere you see the word “car insurance”, change it to “New York car insurance”. While you’re doing this, make sure the sentence still makes sense. If not, reword it so it makes sense with the keyword in it. You should also sprinkle the article with each word individually if possible. From the example above, that would be “New York”, “Car Insurance”, Car, and Insurance. You will need to do this before every article you post.

Creating The Blog

We will be using the free service Blogger. Go to and open an account. I will not go into a lengthy explanation on how to use Blogger. They have an excellent tutorial at You can play around with it yourself until you are comfortable with it.
Once your account is open, create a new blog using your chosen key phrase as you Blogger sub-domain, so if we used car insurance as an example, and “new your car insurance was our best ratio it would be: or
Select a template to use. I like to use the “Minima” layout. If you want to use my pre-made template, you can download it HERE. Only use this if you already have an Adsense account. Just change the publisher ID to your own, and change the links to be for the ones you want to use for your Clickbank affiliates. If you don’t have an Adsense account yet, just use a standard template for now. Set the Blog title to be exactly the same as your key phrase. In our example case, that would be “New York Car Insurance”.
Create a description that contains your key phrase in it at least once.

Make your first post to your blog using the content you modified above.
If you don’t have an Adsense account, apply for one now at . Apply using the url to your new Blog.
Once approved, you can download the template above and modify it as indicated. If you want to use your own method, make sure you paste your Adsense into places where viewers are likely to click, and make sure you blend them in by setting the background color to be the same as the background color of your blog template.
Go to, and and create accounts. Find affiliate programs for high-quality products in your niche. Create affiliate links for these products and insert them into your sidebar on the template where it says “Links”. Periodically, post a full update with an advertisement that explains the benefits of a particular product.

Post another piece of private label content every two days. Search forums with related content - quote and link to pertinent information about your niche.

Insert links to other blogs, related news, etc. at the bottom of each post using your key phrase somewhere in the anchor text of the link.

Get Your Blog Listed On Search Engines and In Top Blog Directories

Once you have posted your first piece of private label content, inserted Adsense ads, etc, it is time to promote your blog.

Go to and submit your blog to as many of these blog and rss feed directories as possible. Some of them may not accept your Blog. Use your key phrase in the title and at least once in the
Description if you are able to enter one. This is going to take many hours, but the effort is well worth it.

Go to and set up an account if you don’t already have one. Add your RSS feed to your "My Yahoo" account as a news feed you want to monitor.
You will need to add RSS Beta to your My Yahoo content if you don't have it. For more info on how to do that, go here: and add it.

You will now add your blog into the RSS feed in my yahoo. To do that, click on edit in the RSS feed section.
Enter the url of your blog.

Go to, create an account, and do the same.
To do that, enter your blog URL with “atom.xml” appended to the end of it where it says “Search for content to add”. I am using one of my blogs to demonstrate. The URL I will enter is:

You can now see where the feed appears below at the bottom of the picture.
Submit your blog to:

Go to and submit your blog. Remember
to use your key phrase in the title and at least once in the description.
Repeat “the Ping” every time you post new content to your blog.
You can use THIS software to post to blogs automatically for you. This will get you a lot of inbound links and move you up in the search engine listings. Remember, one way linking is very important. Reciprocal linking has become less important so you need to maximize your one wat links. THIS tool will get you lots of one way inbound links fast.

Monitor Your Search Engine Rankings

Once you have been indexed by search engines periodically check up on your blog’s rankings within its niche. You do this of course by searching on the key phrase you used for optimization.

If you picked a penetrable niche, you should be able to get onto the first page (at least on Yahoo) within a month, but if not, you will need to:

Search out link partners in your niche and setup reciprocal links. Simply find high-ranking websites in your niche on Google and Yahoo and offer to exchange links with them.

That’s all. (I know, that was a lot of work.)
Now, do it again with a different Blog and a different subject.

If you don't have any private label content to use for your first blog, you can purchase some from the Warrior Forum at an excellent rate. Most Warrior Forum authors charge less than $2 per document.
1. If You Want The Inside Story On How To Make Money Blogging And How To Use Blogs To Drive Thousands Of Targeted Visitors To Your Website For FREE Then Read Every Single Word On This Page Now! Learn more by following this link:

2. Also, see "Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days... From Just ONE Clickbank Product!! Follow link below to find out…

3. Learn From 15 Ebay PowerSellers How They Raked In Over $11,726,200 Last Year Alone And How You Can Explode Your Business Following Their Every Move Using Our Step By Step Course . Follow this link to grab your chance..

4. Attention!Are you sick and tired of either getting NO traffic, or paying out the nose for it?Then Watch in Jaw Dropping Amazement as Your Traffic Counter Spins Out of Control Once You Unleash the Power of these Web Traffic Machines on an Unsuspecting Internet Population! Instantly Access this Amazing Collection of Traffic Sucking Tools From America's Number One SEO Expert that Will Bust the Dam and Unloose a Flood of FREE Traffic You Couldn't Stop Even If You Wanted To! Follow this link to explore…

5. For those who need to get into shape, There's a Reason That You Have Excess Stomach Fat. Follow this link to find out…

Increasing Link Popularity

Search engines are the gateway to the Internet; they arethe first tool that potential customers use to find theproducts and services they need. This is why linkpopularity is so imperative. If the customers do not findyour website, you have no possibilities of making anysales.
You're probably wondering what the blazes is popular abouta link! Well, in a word - plenty! Link popularity refers tothe ranking assigned to your website by the search engines,and it determines the ranking your page gets when keywordsare entered into a search engine. So, you're probablywondering, how do I make my link popular?
Search engines are discretionary, giving status and rankingto sites that have links to their pages from related,quality sites. It's a simple formula, but a very importantone. Google created the system, and now virtually all themost popular search engines employ it to rank your webpages in their indexes.
The more commonly used your keyword is, the harder it willbe to achieve link popularity, but without achieving thisstep, it is almost certain your site will never rank highlyon any search engine. But don't be discouraged; there aretried and true ways of achieving link popularity using themost competitive keywords.
There are a few things you should be aware of. The first isthat just linking up with a large number of other websiteswill not achieve link popularity. In fact, it may havequite the opposite effect. This is particularly true whenpertaining to websites that are nothing more than "linkfarms" - pages containing line after line of indiscriminatelinks. Search engines may aggressively discriminate againstyour website if you are associated with a link farm, sosteer clear of them!
The next thing to bear in mind is the quality of the siteyou are linking to. Never link to a page you havereservations about your visitors seeing. The last thing youwant your website to appear as is indiscriminate and cheap.Linking to sites of poor quality will only lessen your linkpopularity, if not completely destroy it.
So let's get to what you need to do to achieve supreme linkpopularity and improve your rankings to stellar status onall the popular search engines.
The first step, and the fastest way to get your foot in thedoor, is to get a listing in a popular directory, such asOpen Directory Project and Yahoo. If your site isbusiness-related, you will want to be listed on Yahoo, anddespite the fact that it will cost you around $300 a year,it will be money well spent. If your site isnon-commercial, the listing will be free, but it will taketime and follow-up to actually get it listed. OpenDirectory is gives you a free listing whether you arebusiness-related or non-commercial, but be prepared to makea lot of follow-up inquiries before you see your sitelisted.
You are aiming to get listed in the highest level ofappropriate category, and this just takes some commonsense. For example, if your company ships Alpaca wool froman Alpaca farm located in the middle of Nowhere, TinyState, do NOT submit your listing to "Retailers fromNowhere, Tiny State." BIG MISTAKE! All you have to do islook a little deeper - and submit your listing to the "FineAlpaca Wool" category. You will not only associate yourselfwith culture and quality, but you will be listed in anational category.
The next step after you have attained directory listings isto locate other quality sites that will increase your linkpopularity. Try to find sites that are in some way relatedto yours, so not only will your link popularity increase,but your customer base may also be expanded. You want toavoid your competitors and look for sites that are usefulto your site's visitors. Let's look at the Alpaca Wool siteexample. Linking up to a site that sells knitting supplieswould be helpful to your visitors, and the chances of theknitting supply site wanting to link up to your site arealso greater. By linking to a related site that will berelevant to your website's traffic, you are increasing bothof your site's business prospects - and both of your sites'link popularity.
Not all sites want to link to other sites, so you will haveto do some research when you are looking for possiblelinking partners. Google is an excellent starting place foryour search. Make sure you enter keywords that you thinkquality customers will also enter to find your own site.Remember, your criteria are quality, highly ranked,non-competing websites that have a links or resources page.Go to these sites and objectively assess them. Look at thequality of the product, the graphics, and the ease of use.Then check out the other sites they are linked to, anddetermine if your own site would fit in with the crowd.
When you decide you have found a good prospect, you mustset out to woo them. The first thing to do is to add a linkon your own links page to their site. This is an essentialfirst step; it shows good faith, and ups your chancessignificantly of their reciprocity. After you have addedtheir link, you must contact the webmaster of their site.Since this is almost always done by email, you want to makesure it is immediately clear that your message is not junkmail. This requires that you tell them right off the batthat you have added a link to their page on your site. Ahook like this almost always insures the reader will readon.
Next, be sure to be flattering and let them know how muchyou appreciate their website. Make sure you emphasize thatyou have actually visited their site, and that their siteis not just a random pick. Give them the address of yourlinks page, and ask them to check out the link forthemselves. It's a good idea to mention that they will notonly benefit from the increased traffic your website willdirect their way, but you will also increase their linkpopularity. Briefly, explain why link popularity is soessential, but do this in a sentence or two so you don'tsound like a professor! Finally, tell them you wouldgreatly appreciate if they would reciprocally add a link ontheir own links page to your website.
Go through this process with as many appropriate sites asyou can find, bearing in mind the criteria of quality andnon-competitiveness. After you have emailed all relevantsites, be sure to check these website frequently to see ifthey have added a link to your page. Give it about a month,and if no link appears, try another charming email. Thengive it another month, and if your site is still absentfrom their links page, it's time to remove their link fromyour own links page. The only time you want to pursue alink further than this is if you believe a site is crucialto your link popularity and your business needs. Justremember to keep all your communications complimentary andcordial.
Then set up a schedule to check your ranking in searchengines frequently to see if your link popularity hasimproved. This is not achievable in the blink of an eye. Itwill take some time and a good deal of work. There is noway around the labor-intensive quality of improving yourlink popularity, which is why search engines regard it withsuch importance.
By the way - make sure you have a beautiful, streamlinedsite or you will never persuade anyone to link up to you.Be prepared to keep plugging away at this process, as longas it takes, until you achieve link popularity stardom!
1. If You Want The Inside Story On How To Make Money Blogging And How To Use Blogs To Drive Thousands Of Targeted Visitors To Your Website For FREE Then Read Every Single Word On This Page Now! Learn more by following this link:

2. Also, see "Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days... From Just ONE Clickbank Product!! Follow link below to find out…

3. Learn From 15 Ebay PowerSellers How They Raked In Over $11,726,200 Last Year Alone And How You Can Explode Your Business Following Their Every Move Using Our Step By Step Course . Follow this link to grab your chance..

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5. For those who need to get into shape, There's a Reason That You Have Excess Stomach Fat. Follow this link to find out…

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Evaulating Web Site Performance

Setting up a website is the very first step of an Internetmarketing campaign, and the success or failure of your sitedepends greatly on how specifically you have defined yourwebsite goals. If you don't know what you want your site toaccomplish, it will most likely fail to accomplishanything. Without goals to guide you in developing andmonitoring your website, all your site will be is an onlineannouncement that you are in business.
If you expect your site to stimulate some form of action,whether it is visitors filling out a form so arepresentative can contact them, or purchasing a product,there are steps you can take to insure that your website isfunctioning at peak efficiency. One of the first indicatorsof how well your site is working for you is finding out thenumber of visitors in a given period of time. A goodbaseline measurement is a month in which you haven't beendoing any unusual offline promotional activities.
However, just because hoards of people have passed throughyour gates does not mean your site is successful. Usually,you want those visitors to actually do something there. Itis equally important to monitor the number of visitors toyour site who made a purchase. This figure is called thesite conversion rate, and it is an essential element of theefficacy of your website.
To find the site conversion rate, take the number ofvisitors per month and figure out the percentage of themthat actually performed the action your site is set up for.For example, if you had 2,000 hits to your site, but only25 of them purchased your product, your site conversionrate equals 1.25%. To get this figure, take your number ofvisitors and divide that figure by the number of visitorswho made a purchase. Then divide that result by 100 (25 ?00 X 100).
If your website is set-up to get visitors to fill out aform, make sure to then figure out what the difference isbetween your site conversion rate and your sales conversionrate. This is because not everyone who fills out your formwill actually become your customer. However, whether yoursite is set-up to sell a service or product, or to get thevisitor to fill out a form, the site conversion rate willmeasure the success or failure of your website whenever youmake changes to the site.
You may find that you need to implement some additionalmarketing strategies if you find that traffic to your siteis extremely low. There are several effective methods toimprove the flow of traffic to your website, particularlylaunching a search engine optimization campaign. Thiscampaign is targeted at increasing your position in searchengine results so that consumers can find your pages fasterand easier. You can either research the steps you need totake to improve your search engine rankings, or employ asearch engine optimization company to do the work for you.In either case, after your have improved your search enginepositions, make sure you keep on top of them by regularmonitoring and adjusting of your efforts to maintain highpositions.
Another factor to examine is how easy it is for a visitorto your website to accomplish the action the site is set-upfor. For example, if your goal is for the visitor to fillout a form, is this form easily accessible, or does thevisitor have to go through four levels to get to it? Ifit's too difficult to get to, the customer may just throwin the towel and move on to another site. Make sure yourbuttons are highly visible, and the path to your form orordering page quickly accessible.
Finally, have a professional evaluate the copy on yourwebsite. The goal is, of course, to get your visitor tomake a purchase or fill out your form. Website copy must bespecifically geared to your online campaign and not just acut and paste job from your company brochure. The rightcopy can make the difference between profit and loss inyour online campaign.

Below is a list of links I’m benefiting from that I would personally recommend you try. I have benefited tremendously from them..
If You Want The Inside Story On How To Make Money Blogging And How To Use Blogs To Drive Thousands Of Targeted Visitors To Your Website For FREE Then Read Every Single Word On This Page Now! Learn more by following this link:

2. Also, see "Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days... From Just ONE Clickbank Product!! Follow link below to find out…

Learn From 15 Ebay PowerSellers How They Raked In Over $11,726,200 Last Year Alone And How You Can Explode Your Business Following Their Every Move Using Our Step By Step Course . Follow this link to grab your chance..

Attention!Are you sick and tired of either getting NO traffic, or paying out the nose for it?
Then Watch in Jaw Dropping Amazement as Your Traffic Counter Spins Out of Control Once You Unleash the Power of these Web Traffic Machines on an Unsuspecting Internet Population! Instantly Access this Amazing Collection of Traffic Sucking Tools From America's Number One SEO Expert that Will Bust the Dam and Unloose a Flood of FREE Traffic You Couldn't Stop Even If You Wanted To! Follow this link to explore…

For those who need to get into shape, There's a Reason That You Have Excess Stomach Fat. Follow this link to find out…

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Analyzing Website Traffic

Analyzing your web traffic statistics can be an invaluabletool for a number of different reasons. But before you canmake full use of this tool, you need to understand how tointerpret the data.
Most web hosting companies will provide you with basic webtraffic information that you then have to interpret andmake pertinent use of. However, the data you receive fromyour host company can be overwhelming if you don'tunderstand how to apply it to your particular business andwebsite. Let's start by examining the most basic data - theaverage visitors to your site on a daily, weekly, andmonthly basis.
These figures are the most accurate measure of yourwebsite's activity. It would appear on the surface that themore traffic you see recorded, the better you can assumeyour website is doing, but this is an inaccurateperception. You must also look at the behavior of yourvisitors once they come to your website to accurately gaugethe effectiveness of your site.
There is often a great misconception about what is commonlyknown as "hits" and what is really effective, qualitytraffic to your site. Hits simply means the number ofinformation requests received by the server. If you thinkabout the fact that a hit can simply equate to the numberof graphics per page, you will get an idea of how overblownthe concept of hits can be. For example, if your homepagehas 15 graphics on it, the server records this as 15 hits,when in reality we are talking about a single visitorchecking out a single page on your site. As you can see,hits are not useful in analyzing your website traffic.
The more visitors that come to your website, the moreaccurate your interpretation will become. The greater thetraffic is to your website, the more precise your analysiswill be of overall trends in visitor behavior. The smallerthe number of visitors, the more a few anomalous visitorscan distort the analysis.
The aim is to use the web traffic statistics to figure outhow well or how poorly your site is working for yourvisitors. One way to determine this is to find out how longon average your visitors spend on your site. If the timespent is relatively brief, it usually indicates anunderlying problem. Then the challenge is to figure outwhat that problem is.
It could be that your keywords are directing the wrong typeof visitors to your website, or that your graphics areconfusing or intimidating, causing the visitor to exitrapidly. Use the knowledge of how much time visitors arespending on your site to pinpoint specific problems, andafter you fix those problems, continue to use time spent asa gauge of how effective your fix has been.
Additionally, web traffic stats can help you determineeffective and ineffective areas of your website. If youhave a page that you believe is important, but visitors areexiting it rapidly, that page needs attention. You could,for example, consider improving the link to this page bymaking the link more noticeable and enticing, or you couldimprove the look of the page or the ease that your visitorscan access the necessary information on that page.
If, on the other hand, you notice that visitors arespending a lot of time on pages that you think are lessimportant, you might consider moving some of your salescopy and marketing focus to that particular page.
As you can see, these statistics will reveal vitalinformation about the effectiveness of individual pages,and visitor habits and motivation. This is essentialinformation to any successful Internet marketing campaign.
Your website undoubtedly has exit pages, such as a finalorder or contact form. This is a page you can expect yourvisitor to exit rapidly. However, not every visitor to yoursite is going to find exactly what he or she is lookingfor, so statistics may show you a number of different exitpages. This is normal unless you notice a exit trend on aparticular page that is not intended as an exit page. Inthe case that a significant percentage of visitors areexiting your website on a page not designed for thatpurpose, you must closely examine that particular page todiscern what the problem is. Once you pinpoint potentialweaknesses on that page, minor modifications in content orgraphic may have a significant impact on the keepingvisitors moving through your site instead of exiting at thewrong page.
After you have analyzed your visitor statistics, it's timeto turn to your keywords and phrases. Notice if particularkeywords are directing a specific type of visitor to yoursite. The more targeted the visitor - meaning that theyfind what they are looking for on your site, and evenbetter, fill out your contact form or make a purchase - themore valuable that keyword is.
However, if you find a large number of visitors are beingdirected - or should I say misdirected - to your site by aparticular keyword or phrase, that keyword demandsadjustment. Keywords are vital to bringing quality visitorsto your site who are ready to do business with you. Closeanalysis of the keywords your visitors are using to findyour site will give you a vital understanding of yourvisitor's needs and motivations.
Finally, if you notice that users are finding your websiteby typing in your company name, break open the champagne!It means you have achieved a significant level of brandrecognition, and this is a sure sign of burgeoning सुच्सस
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